Search Tag: laser

IMAGING Management

2021 05 Apr

Researchers from the Centre for the Clinical Application of Particles (CCAP) [i]  recently presented results from a study on “An interdisciplinary collaboration transforming personalised, precision,  particle-beam therapy of the future.” This study includes the LhARA project that is currently in the Research and Development phase.  Cancer is the...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 23 Mar

Research from Lund University in Sweden suggests that in the future, tests to see how much premature air babies’ lungs contain as their lungs are not sufficiently developed could be done using laser light, which at present can only be done using X-rays. The researchers suggest that this method could also be be employed to measure oxygen among...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 22 Jan

Scientists have invented a new imaging system that will make it easier for surgeons to detect malignant tissue during surgery and hopefully reduce the rate of cancer recurrence. The inventors say the imaging system causes the tumours to “light up” when a hand-held laser is directed at them. “A surgeon’s goal during cancer surgery is to remove the...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 21 Oct

Spanish scientists have developed a new type of laser technology based on photoacoustics that can be used for detecting breast cancer. The new technique is safe as no ionising radiation is used, and could become an alternative to commonly used diagnostic methods such as mammography and ultrasound, according to researchers from the Universidad Carlos...Read more