Search Tag: doctors

IT Management

2019 31 Oct

With artificial intelligence and telemedicine gaining a foothold in healthcare, there are fears about technology easing medical professionals out of their jobs.  Those fears and other issues around growing health tech adoption were tackled at the recent Becker's Hospital Review Health IT + RCM conference held in Chicago. In a keynote address to...Read more

IT Management

2016 04 Oct

This year alone has seen a huge increase in cyber attacks on healthcare data. It is no coincidence theta cybercriminals target healthcare. While compared to other sectors, the financial gains of hacking into a hospital’s data and demanding a ransom for release, are negligible, the guarantees of success are greater. For one thing, many healthcare...Read more

IT Management

2016 05 Sep

A trio of health and technology experts have said that the gulf between developers of health IT tools and the staff who use them is an obstruction to innovation in the sector. App, wearable and IT system creators fail to interact effectively or at all with patients and healthcare personnel. This results in a limited understanding of what end-users’...Read more

IT Management

2016 23 Aug

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has highlighted the features of EHRs that frustrate doctors so much. It is a well-known fact that, for all of the benefits that EHRs bring to healthcare, many physicians find their use a frustrating experience. The piece, written by MDs affiliated with the Stanford University...Read more