Search Tag: Biopsy

Executive Health Management

2015 08 Sep

For the 6th time, the World CDx community will be coming together in Boston to showcase the very latest advancements in companion diagnostics and tailored therapies that are improving and refining personalized healthcare. With collaborations rife and the field rapidly coming of age, World CDx Boston 2015 will guide drug, diagnostic, and technology...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 18 Feb

Cook Medical is introducing the first endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) needle in the US and Europe that can acquire histological samples. The EchoTip ProCore Endobronchial Ultrasound Needle gives physicians the ability to retrieve both cell and tissue samples from lymph nodes or tumors in the pulmonary area. The EchoTip ProCore EBUS needle is...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 07 Feb

Currently being developed by University of Washington scientists and engineers, a novel, credit-card sized, low cost device could assist pathologists in their analysis of biopsies and the subsequent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in an earlier and faster manner than ever before.  The prototype is able to conduct basic steps required for processing...Read more