eHealth Week, Riga – Day Two :Joint Plenary Green Paper on mHealth: "Conclusions and Actions."
The joint plenary provided an overview of the results of the public consultation in the context of the Commission‘s Green Paper on mHealth. Patients, providers, health professionals, health authorities and industry presented and discussed their views on what it takes to achieve a wider uptake and implementation of mHealth in Europe.
Two points that were revisited again and again revolved around the need for health app certification and keeping in mind an ageing population that isn’t necessarily tech savvy.
Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe put the needs of over-50s in the spotlight. “Many apps are built with younger profiles in mind. If we want to reach out to an increasingly large senior population – and this is a group which is going to have very large health needs – we need to ensure that the way that apps are developed are foolproof for an older person,” she said. 
Parent was equally vocal about the issue of the need for certification for the plethora of eHealth apps hitting the market. “When it comes to mHealth apps public authorities must regulate as they do with medications. We are talking about patient safety here.”
But Martin Wrigley, European General Manager, Application Developers Alliance, while recognising the need for caution, warned against over-regulation as being stifling and unnecessary. “If governments try to regulate heavily on mHealth apps we are going to slow down innovation.”
Peter Zilgavis, Head of Unit eHealth and WellBeing, European Commission, Javier Ferrero Alvarez Rementeria, CIO, Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality, Spain and Paul De Raeve, Secretary General, European Federation of Nurses Associations also contributed to the discussion.
Source: eHealth Week 2015
Image Credit: eHealth Week 2015

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health IT, eHealth week 2015, #eHW15 eHealth Week, Riga – Day Two :Joint Plenary Green Paper on mHealth: "Conclusions and Actions." The joint plenary provided an overview of the results of t...