The second Friday of December was particularly long-awaited by Italian staff as headquarters invited the teams to a massive party to celebrate the rebranding of Italian operations and the start of the new era of Affidea Italy.

Much excitement surrounded the rebranding events of one of Affidea’s largest countries of operation and top representatives of corporate management were a part of the big day. Dimitris Moulavasilis, CEO and Dr Rowland Illing, Chief Medical Officer, both gave presentations on the impact that the name and brand are already having on both the business world and the medical community alike. Country Manager Giuseppe Giannasio gave an impassioned speech about the much-valued work of the Italian teams and the strong faith placed in them to build the future of the brand in Italy. “Thanks to your outstanding hard work and extraordinary medical achievement, our organization is already trusted and established in Italy. We want to mark a kind of “year zero” and start a new, long-term and exciting journey that we wish to share with the people we spend most of our time with- our colleagues, our friends.”

Source & Image Credit: Affidea

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Affidea, Cancer, Diagnostics, Radiology Affidea Italy: Rebranding in Style