Search Tag: behaviours

Executive Health Management

2016 05 Jan

Strenuous work demands, an atmosphere that places an emphasis on performance, and a rapidly changing environment promote a culture in healthcare that is tolerant of workplace bullying, according to an article in the journal Radiology Management . While physicians can be considered as the primary culprit of bullying, healthcare bullies can be any one...Read more

IT Management

2015 21 Aug

The American Heart Association has issued a report highlighting the need for more evaluative studies on the effectiveness of mobile health technologies — including mHealth apps and wearables — for reducing risk factors for heart disease and stroke. The report, "Current Science on Consumer Use of Mobile Health for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention -...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 14 Jul

A brain imaging study published in the journal Radiology reveals that stimulant drug abuse has long-term effects on brain volume in women. Researchers found that brain structures involved in learning, reward and executive control showed vast changes even after a prolonged period of abstinence from drug use.   The study, led by Jody Tanabe, MD, professor...Read more