Radiologists around the world are increasingly interested in cardiac imaging, a fact confirmed by the The European Society of Cardiac Radiology's (ESCR) attaining the milestone of 1000 members. 

Membership at ESCR offers attractive benefits and innovative educational activities, a further factor in the association’s increasing popularity according to its president, Professor Valentin Sinitsyn, chief of the Radiology Department at the Federal Center of Medicine and Rehabilitation in Moscow. He believes that cardiac radiology is an exciting field in the world of medicine and states that the ESCR is expanding its educational activities, having introduced the very successful European Society of Radiology endorsed ‘European Board of Cardiac Radiology Diploma ‘ programme in 2011. The ESCR also recently launched the European MR/CT Registry and as of 2014, it will additionally offer its own educational courses.

The European Society of Radiology's system was the model for the society’s fresh membership approach. By offering a lowered fee of just €20 for radiologists already registered with the national cardiac radiology society or working group, the ESCR is increasing its appeal even further. Membership benefits include reduced rates for annual meetings and journal subscription as well as the option of signing up for the Cardiac Imaging Examination and Subspecialty Diploma.

Professor Sinitsyn encourages the involvement of the younger generation of radiologists in the ESCR over the coming years and hopes that by providing them with support to attend the annual scientific meeting through the Young Abstract Presenter programme (YAPP) that their interest in cardiac imaging will grow. He concludes that the EXCR also offers, together with the European School of Radiology, several cardiac fellowships.

From October 24-26, 2013, London will welcome the next ESCR annual scientific meetin under the aegis of Professor Michael Rees (Bangor, UK), the ESCR past president. In addition to radiologists, technologists and radiographers, this year the program will also involve cardiologists, nuclear medicine physicians and other doctors who have an interest in cardiac imaging and research in this field.

10 October 2013

Source: ESCR

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Radiology, ESCR Radiologists around the world are increasingly interested in cardiac imaging, a fact confirmed by the The European Society of Cardiac Radiology's (ESCR) at...