Lumbar interbody fusion cage / anterior ALPHATEC SOLUS™ Alphatec Spine

Lumbar interbody fusion cage / anterior ALPHATEC SOLUS™ Alphatec Spine

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Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Alphatec Solus By addressing the key challenges with today’s ALIF procedures, the Solus ALIF device delivers an innovative solution benefiting both surgeons and patients. Solus provides a biomechanically proven, industry leading take, on spinal column stability for internal fixation ALIF devices.* Four points of fixation combined with the largest graft volume for comparative cage sizes supports rapid and robust arthodesis potential. Deployment of the four internal fixation blades is performed simultaneously with one instrument and does not require an obliquely angled screwdriver - all of which are designed to decrease incision size and operative time. System Features Multiple footprints and lordotic angles accommodate surgical needs Counter-rotating blades provide four points of fixation Sterile packaging assures product quality and provides absolute implant traceability
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5818 El Camino Real,
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