Manual mucus suction pump / foot-operated Ambu® Uni-Suction Ambu

Manual mucus suction pump / foot-operated Ambu® Uni-Suction Ambu
Ambu® Uni-Suction

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The Ambu Uni-Suction Pump has a special design that makes it possible to operate the pump pneumatically by oxygen or manually by hand or foot. The integrated vacuum limiting valve reduces the negative pressure to 150-200 mm HG for tracheal suction and for the use on small children. The high performance of the Ambu Uni-Suction Pump allows a mean free airflow of 20 liters/min with a maximum negative pressure up to approximately 550 mm Hg. The Ambu Uni-Suction Pump has a wide base and low profile that provides a stabile ground during use. Additionally the solid construction allows it to be used under adverse conditions in most climates.
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Baltorpbakken 13,
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