Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • Make this count

    • 07/11/2018

    Your enthusiasm differentiates you. Second chances are not an option. Trainer, Michael Virardi, on how commitment and preparation are of prime importance when faced with game-changing career choices. It’s no secret to the people closest to me: I’m very ambitious. Ever since I can remember, as a young boy growing up in Cyprus and, later, working for our family business, I had a strong...

  • How to analyse past professional experience for future success

    • 21/01/2019

    Reviewing performance for focused and effective learning A New Year represents a time to focus, regroup and set new professional targets. Corporate trainer, Michael Virardi, provides tips on getting the most out of reflection time. As we head into 2019, i’d like to share with you three of the most vital lessons I've learnt last year. Don’t be afraid to be...

  • Are soft skills important?

    • 21/08/2018

    Soft skills give a huge competitive advantage when it comes to convincing a prospective employer or a prospect that you are the man or woman for the job. Just how important are soft skills in helping you advance in life? A study by Harvard University noted that 80% of career achievements are determined by soft skills and only 20% by hard skills. The term ‘soft skills’ was coined in...

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