• Todd Rice

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    Email —  ******@***vanderbilt.edu
    Assistant Professor of Medicine Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center —  Nashville, TN, USA

Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • DIVINE Nutritional Management in ICU

    • 26/09/2019

    The following is an overview of the DIVINE trial (Dietary Management of Glucose Variabilty in the ICU) as well as a quick summary of the role of glucose control and outcomes in critically ill patients. The DIVINE study was funded by Nestlé. Clinical studies show that goal nutrition may not result in the best outcomes. Available data suggest that protein may be more important than non-pro

  • Facilitated glucose control in the ICU through nutrition

    • 16/03/2018

    As recently as 2010, the view of metabolic requirements for patients admitted to ICU was that all patients had the same metabolic needs and could therefore be managed with the same nutritional product. In general, critically ill patients were fed along the same lines as healthy people in the ratio of around 50% carbohydrates, 35% lipids and 15% protein. However, little benefit has been found from...

  • It is time for improved fluid stewardship

    • 16/10/2018

    A conceptual framework for developing institutional programmes and guidelines to enhance fluid stewardship (especially in the intensive care unit [ICU] environment), an activity that includes appropriate selection, dosing, duration, de-escalation, and monitoring of fluid therapy. The primary goal of fluid stewardship is to optimise clinical outcomes while minimising unintended consequences...

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